Sunday, August 31, 2008


From the Daily Mail...

Three Nazi bunkers on a beach have been uncovered by violent storms off the Danish coast, providing a store of material for history buffs and military archaeologists.

The bunkers were found in practically the same condition as they were on the day the last Nazi soldiers left them, down to the tobacco in one trooper‘s pipe and a half-finished bottle of schnapps.

Bounce 'n' bark

Via Nothing To Do With Arbroath.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Donnie wasn't real?!

Here's a fascinating theory from Steve Buscemi about his character Donnie in the best film ever made—The Big Lebowski. From an interview with Rolling Stone...
I don't know how big this is but there's this new theory that Donny is just a figment of Walter's imagination. Like he's an old army buddy that had died or something. It almost works. There's the "your phone is ringin', Dude" "thanks, Donny?" [exchange]. But that's the only acknowledgement that the Dude makes of Donny. If you watch those scenes, it's like Donny would come in, Walter gets so upset and it's like the Dude never hears it.
Personally, I don't think it works, but it's an interesting idea.

Wet dog

I love Banksy...

We're probably too "small-town," but it would be cool if he'd come do some of his work in Portland.

If you haven't checked out his book Wall and Pieceit's definitely worth a look.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So that's what a Gummy Bear scream sounds like...

Does he drink because he's sad? Or sad because he drinks?

From Times Online:
Pentailed tree shrews, Ptilocercus lowii, were described by scientists studying them as chronic drinkers with such a high alcoholic consumption that their habit would be likely to kill other mammals, including humans.

Next round's on me, fuzzy.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Here's a story (and a bunch of pictures) of a nice lady who helped out this little buddy.

Water, bug

He's going to need a tiny towel.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008


Whoever invented this is a hero to all us kids who got in trouble for wasting water with the garden hose...

Monday, August 11, 2008

One down, twenty-three to go...

I hadn't had a tooth pulled since grade-school, but I had one taken out today.

I thought that the technology for extracting a tooth would have changed and that maybe I was in store for some Star Trek style shit—or at the very least some drilling and sawing to take it out in pieces. But nope! Doc grabbed a pair of fancy looking pliers and brute-forced that molar out of my head like we were in the Old West. Sadly it all took place without a bottle of whiskey beforehand.

It was a little crunchy, but he got it in one piece. Thanks, Doc!

Last physicist into the consciousness pool is a rotten egg!


Roger Penrose, a mathematical physicist at Oxford University, believes that if a "theory of everything" is ever developed in physics to explain all the known phenomena in the universe, it should at least partially account for consciousness.

Penrose also believes that quantum mechanics, the rules governing the physical world at the subatomic level, might play an important role in consciousness.

Then again, quantum mechanics is the default answer for everything these days...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

My minions...

...they work for peanuts.


Wonder what this is about...

It would appear that the US President has been briefed by Phoenix scientists about the discovery of something more "provocative" than the discovery of water existing on the Martian surface. This news comes just as the Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyzer (TEGA) confirmed experimental evidence for the existence of water in the Mars regolith on Thursday. Whilst NASA scientists are not claiming that life once existed on the Red Planet's surface, new data appears to indicate the "potential for life" more conclusively than the TEGA water results. Apparently these new results are being kept under wraps until further, more detailed analysis can be carried out, but we are assured that this announcement will be huge

UPDATE: Stand down... It's just perchlorate. Or at least that's what they're telling us so we'll stop paying attention.

Every kitchen should have one of these...

Friday, August 1, 2008

I, for one, welcome our secret space station overlords

A bunch more here.

While playing the video (in the link) of the noises those things make, Sheila (my puppy) jumped up from where she was laying on the other side of the room and ran to where I was sitting. She did one of those cute "what the hell is that?!" head turns that dogs do when they hear a high pitched noise. Wonder what she hears that we can't.